Club 4x4 Evasion 89

Mairie 89500 Égriselles le BocageYonne

Description of Club 4x4 Evasion 89

Located in Yonne, theClub 4x4 Evasion 89 is a 4x4 club, whose main objective is to share with its members, and visitors, the pleasure of driving 4x4 in a friendly and pleasant atmosphere.

TheClub 4x4 Evasion 89offers its members and visitors the opportunity toregister and participate in various 4x4 activities, and this for a day, an outing of a few days or throughout the year through the annual subscription.

The Club 4x4 Evasion 89 offers a wide variety of activities ranging from off-road hiking to more extreme activities such as crossing or adventure raids.< /p>

For more information contact the Club 4x4 Evasion 89, and come and discover the pleasure of driving and 4x4 emotions in complete safety!

4x4 Tours 4x4 Tours France

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14 years Advertised on Yumping
