Traveling to Chiapas is to let you wrap by the magic of the lacandona jungle , breathe the pure air that comes out from the abundant and green jungle vegetation, as well as capture the most surprising landscapes in the southeast of the country. Stay reading this article and know everything you can see, visit and enjoy this natural treasure.


The Lacandona jungle is located in the mountains of the East of Chiapas, reaching the border with Guatemala. This mountain chain has not only exuberant vegetation, but a lot , Toniná, among others. If you want to visit them, Click here to read more information.

Thanks to the great extension of "La Lacandona" we can find a variety of rivers that cross it such as the Usumacinta River, Lacanjá, Jataté and Lacantún, among others. It is one of the natural areas where more species of birds inhabit, detecting some such as red macaws, real tucanes and collar toucas. Among its abundant green areas, jaguars, spider monkeys and different types of reptiles can be found.

For these reasons and more, it is that visiting the Lacandon jungle allows you to meet it in different ways, whether walking, with a guided tour or giving it a more exciting touch with the practice of some adventure sports. Then we tell you which ones you can choose.
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This is undoubtedly the most exciting and favorite activity not only for Chiapas but for everyone who visits the Lacandon jungle. Thanks to the number of rivers we mentioned above, you can travel the heart of this mountain range at the speed that the river indicates. The main site from which the rafts is the Río Lacanjá camp where you will find professional guides who will lead you to enjoy an aquatic adventure full of emotions and adrenaline in waters level 2 and 3.

Once you reach the end of the river, you can get off the raft and enjoy the tranquility of the pools and waterfalls, as well as appreciate symphonic sounds led by the hundreds of birds that surround the area. We suggest you take tours of 2 or 3 days and thus take advantage of the points that you can only arrive in raft, to visit some archaeological zones.
In this link we share some routes that you can book to enjoy the rafting in the Lacandona jungle.
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Originally from the highest parts of the mountains of Chiapas, the Lacantun River is one of the chosen to row by its waters aboard a kayak. If you do not like strong emotions, this adventure is the ideal for you since you will not sail in fast waters, nor will it be presented with challenges along the route. Kayaks are ideal to row at your own pace, make stops in the river to appreciate the landscapes and relax with the sounds of nature that lives in the Chiapas jungle.
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For lovers of strong emotions, the exploration of caves and a lot of water, we suggest enjoying a cannonism or canyon tour in the "El Chorreadero" waterfall. Although this site is not located inside "La Lacandona" we did not want to stop suggest I swim in pools.
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Opt for a guided tour and practice hiking through the roads marked within the abundant vegetation. With the help of a guide, he undertakes a trip from San Cristóbal de las Casas or Palenque to meet sites such as El Chiflón, Bonampak, the beautiful Lagoas de Montebello and of course the jungle, where we can appreciate with our own eyes and very closely The iconic red macaws. In these tours you can make boat rides to enjoy the rivers that surround the jungle. Dale click here and know some guided tours.
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