At that moment when the adventure takes the shape of your desires and you are not the one who adapts to a predetermined activity, that is when the magic arises. For Catalonia Adventures you are the center of everything because after decades in the active tourism sector in Barcelona they have understood that the key to success is knowing how to adapt to each person.

Bungee jumping, canyoning or climbing thus become modalities that you will bring to life, always being special and different, maintaining as a common element materials from big brands and a first-class human team capable of taking you from hand as far as you want to go.

Jump from the bridge

Tandem bungee jumping exists and is in Barcelona.

Yes, and we assure you that it doesn't just appear in photos. How many times do you hear that "bungee jumping for two" but when the moment of truth comes, it is a jump in turns like all the others. At Catalonia Adventures there is no room for disappointment and when they talk about jumping as a couple it is exactly what they mean.

This experience is ideal for those who do not go alone or to the bathroom and it is always encouraging to share nerves with your girlfriend or your best friend. You will launch in tandem attached to the same rope, which requires synchronization to leave the bridge structure at the same moment. Here it is not worth it for one of the two to overthink it or back out. However, instructors have seen more than enough of the world to know that this does not happen the first time. That's why by reserving the tandem bungee jump you will have a previous test jump for your companion and for you individually in which to leave insecurities behind.

 Holding on to the railing together

More than 30 thousand jumps without incident and now yours

Whether you have hired the pack of several jumps or one to check how it goes, you are on the verge of taking the plunge into the void for the first time. Take the most comfortable clothes you have from your closet, put some courage in your backpack and you will be ready to go to the Sant Sadurní D'anoia bridge where you will meet some instructors who have everything prepared to relax the atmosphere. If you do it by car you will arrive after 800 meters by the highway exit that will have been indicated to you. If you prefer to do it by train you will walk half the distance, just enough time to realize that you are about to mark a milestone in your own history.

There are 30 meters that separate the bridge from the ground, 25 planned for free fall. Even if your senses are elsewhere due to emotion, try to focus them on the monitor because while it assures you, it will give you some basic advice that it will be good for you to know for safety and will help you relax. In the event that you are more shaky than necessary, he will recommend that you keep an eye on him by looking into his eyes when you go to the other side of the railing. This way you will be less aware of what is happening under your feet and in 3, 2, 1 you let go and jump!

 Jump sequence

At that moment in which you remain swinging until the rope stops trying to fill your lungs with air after the shock of the fall, you will want to jump again, which you can do with packages of two jumps. On your second attempt you will choose not to turn your back on the void, making the most of the sensation of seeing how you approach the ground face-on with open arms and the best of your satisfied smiles.

By the way, if you have a Go Pro camera, the helmet we will lend you is prepared to hold it and record everything in detail.

From novice canyoner to adventurer in all disciplines

At Catalonia Adventures they believe that you don't have to live by first experiences. Anyone with a degree can take you down a ravine or inspect a cave, but when you're done you return home with a feeling very similar to having been to an amusement park. The goal of your team is for you to learn while sharing activities with them to, little by little, gain confidence and autonomy. It will be these qualities that will allow you to participate with them in more complex expeditions as one of the group.

 Rappelling in the ravine

The most basic levels are well suited to the whole family, beginner canyoning can be do even with the participation of children. It is a good way to make them understand the composition of the natural environment and why we should take care of it beyond what is stated in the school books. Walking or cycling we can also visit places in the province of Barcelona that will break up the boring pages of your agenda by adding adventures in which anything can happen.