Even if the winter is not yet finished the doors of spring are around the corner. For this reason we must start thinking in whichhttps://en.yumping.it/en href=https://en.yumping.it/en href=" href="https://www.yumping.it/"> adventure sport try us in the summer!
## 1 ##

Fortunately, or unfortunately (depends on the points of view) the coldest period of the year has left us a lot of snow, so thehttps://en.yumping.it/en href=https://en.yumping.it/en href=" href="https://www.yumping.it/sport-aquaticotici"> water sports are among the favorites. The next beam will make disciplines such ashttps://en.yumping.it/en href=https://en.yumping.it/en href=" href="https://www.yumping.it/rafting"> rafting are even more exciting, allowing you to have fun like never before and to try strong discharges of adrenaline.

One of the recommendations that we can make you athttps://en.yumping.it/en href=https://en.yumping.it/en href=" href="https://www.yumping.it/"> yumping.it is to try the feeling of descend the river in a gum of 4-10 people. The material you need is very simple and above all practical, since it will prevent you that you get wet more than you have and to take cold ( neoprene suit ), which hurts you with some blow or fall ( helmet ), suffers some risk in case of falling from the boat ( life -saving jacket ), ect.

It is a safe sport, so your only concern will have fun. The best thing is to practice it with friends or people very close to you, because in this way everything will be even more pleasant. Emotions will characterize each kilometer, so try to relax and enjoy your experience to the bottom by letting yourself be transported.

Having no experience is not an impediment: you just have to know how to swim, the guide will then explain to you the remata techniques or to do depending on the level of difficulty. The latter will depend on the characteristics of the route, given that the strength with which the river water descends is the predominant element.

What to do before trying the rafting ?

The first thing, as we said, is knowing how to swim , in order to make sure that in case of any fall it does not sink, even if in any case the Salavavida jacket will help you keep afloat.

The second step is to searchhttps://en.yumping.it/en href=https://en.yumping.it/en href=" href="https://www.yumping.it/rafting"> rafting companies that help you learn the unsuitable (if it's your first time) or to improve yours Technique (if you have a little experience already). You will provide you with the equipment necessary, even if they will surely recommend you to bring with you a swimsuit, a towel, protective sun cream ... that is, it is necessary to spend a day at the river. br />
Your physical condition does not It is decisive, it is sufficient that it feels fit to use the oars and move your whole body during the journey. Probably the next day you will have some pain ... Meró will be worth it!

The last step is ... descend the river! Lasciati trasportare dall'adrenalina, dai suoni del fiume, dalla sensazione delle gocce d'acqua sul tuo viso e dalla magia del paesaggio naturale che ti circonda in tutto il suo splendore.
## 2 ##

Well, now your adventure is perfect. You don't need anything other than the desire to detach from the routine by practicing active tourism .