Plans, getaways, outings… We are looking for a trip to New York or London, a night in a very cool place that looks like a library because they play gin with puturrú de fuà… what is happening to us? ? We have things that are incredible, things that are unique in the world at our fingertips.
I'm talking about having an experience, about living a new sensation, about a place that welcomes you and that has a certain healing power in your soul. May it welcome you, may it change you as you feel its greatness.
This happens to me in the river. And more specifically doing SUP (stand up paddle surf). And don't think I'm an agile amphibian. More like a dizzy duck. But on the board it seems like you have everything at your feet, the river that you may have navigated before in a kayak seems like a different river, you have a total vision (as long as you manage to stay upright) and every movement, no matter how slight, has its purpose. reaction.

That's why I want to share with you a expedition along the river Cabriel, an expedition carried out by Kalahari Adventures, 2 days and one night in a 30 km canyon. through a wilder area than those where activities are usually carried out and during which you will not cross paths with anyone. It can be done on a paddle surf board, rafting boat or kayak.

The river has therapeutic power. As you enter it you will be able to feel its power, its intensity and above all a great change that you are probably not used to: the river makes us all equal. We became puppets with wetsuits and helmets at the mercy of its current. To all.
Kick to your comfort zone! It doesn't matter what you do, what you have,

For all this, an expedition becomes an experience (the experiences, unlike what we usually do on weekends, make a difference) and in which a number of days, Due to the intensity of the experience, it makes you strengthen relationships, because in the river everyone helps, everyone is attentive to each other, everyone shares. In the river you find companions forever.
I like it better when I'm in the river.

Do you fancy a exotic trip if leaving the country? Do you want to live an experience of isolation? What do you look for when you Google "adventure activities"? Well, if the answer looks something like this: friends or family, laughter, something authentic that you will spend time talking about, laughter, giving a cross section with your routine, laughter, full adrenaline, laughter, nature in its purest form (you will see wild animals while you make your way through crystal waters) and falling asleep under a blanket of thousands of stars, try this great plan with Kalahari captained by the guide in the photo "Zapa" and then you tell me. Ask them questions and find out when you can do it.

There are more companies, but this is definitely one of them. I recommend it to everyone and even more so to those who don't know what I'm talking about and this sounds like Chinese to them.
If, on the other hand, you prefer an activity in which you will be looking to see if you are going to spend €10 or €20 less (then you will probably spend it on drinks in a seedy club or something else) or you don't mind waiting in line for Entering a river that we have all destroyed by turning it into something similar to the Dragon Khan, there are other alternatives.
You decide! I'm clear, I'm going with Kalahari Aventuras .