ASD Rotor Center Versilia

Via XX settembre 157 0584 CamaioreLucca

Offers of Air Sports near Camaiore


Motorized hang gliding flight in Massarosa of 60 m

Motorized hang gliding flight in Massarosa of 60 m

1 Booking Verified

Description of ASD Rotor Center Versilia

ASD Rotor Center Versilia è un'associazione sportiva no profit was born with the scopo di diffondere and promoted the aeronautical culture in our territory. I saw you propose due tipi di voli entrambi spettacolari:

  • Volo in elicottero : if you try to fly your one of the nostrips in the company of a brief pilot dell'Aero Club d'Italia, che prima e during il volo vi illustrerà The variety of technology and the fascination of volo da rispettare. Apprenderete così i comandi più basici e le nozioni elementari del volo. If più decolli is effettuerete, continue adterent apprete and potrete will enter the Italian dell'aeronautica mondo. Sarà un'emozione unica!
  • Volo in autogiro biposto : Rappresenta an altro mode di volare, simile the volo in elicottero. If I tried a sporty attrezzo with I limited weight dell'ultraleggero motorizzato. Volerete always insieme ad a brief pilot dell'Aero Club d'Italia che vi illustrerà le varie tecniche di decollo e di volo. Sarà un'esperienza unique its a unique mezzo che if differenzia da tutti gli altri mezzi usati per il volo.

Be volete fly venite to trovarci! I saw aspettiamo!

Useful information

7 years Advertised on Yumping


ASD Rotor Center Versilia Helicopter Flights

Via XX settembre 157 0584 CamaioreLucca

Description of ASD Rotor Center Versilia Helicopter Flights

ASD Rotor Center Versilia is a non-profit sports association created with the aim of spreading and promoting aeronautical culture in our territory. In addition to a two-seater gyroplane flight, we offer you the typical helicopter flight .

The helicopter is a better known means of transport which, unlike the two-seater gyroplane, travels by performing vertical take-offs and landings. With our association you can live the experience of flying in total freedom and safety . In fact, you will be joined by one of our certified pilots who will guide you into the magical world of aeronautics. He will show you the techniques of taking off, flying and landing. At each take-off you will be able to acquire more and more information and useful knowledge to enjoy the experience to the fullest.

If you've never flown any aircraft, now is the time to start your helicopter experience . It will be an emotion never experienced before, which you will never forget! It is an emotion that cannot be explained in words, it can only be experienced!

We look forward to seeing you at ASD Rotor Center to experience flying with you.

Helicopter Flights Helicopter Flights Italy Helicopter Flights Tuscany

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ASD Rotor Center Versilia Ultralight Flights

Via XX settembre 157 0584 CamaioreLucca

Description of ASD Rotor Center Versilia Ultralight Flights

ASD Rotor Center Versilia è un'associazione sportiva no profit was born with the scopo di diffondere and promoted the aeronautical culture in our territory.

Oltre al volo in elicottero saw a volo propose his a mezzo a po 'diverse dal solito, l'autogiro biposto . As mezzo, chiamato anche gyro, the cost is a rotating wing and, at the same time, delotory, il motore generates a spinta in avanti as accade per gli aeroplani. If you try a sporty sport that presents the weight limit of the motorized engine, the Autogiro was born in 1919, the progetate gives a spagnolo ingegnere. The last progettò questo mezzo dopo aver assistito alla expires of a bombardiere of the progettate because of one stallo. L'idea iniziale was quella di progettare a velivolo che non potesse stallare mai during the decollo.

Dopo a real pò di storia to the magnificent velivolo cheese, vorremmo invitarvi to provare questo volo with noi. I will always fly un'emozione, which will not be possible to parole! Bisogna vivere il volo per poterlo spiegare!

Come to Trovarci! I saw aspettiamo per sorvolare the Versilia!

Ultralight Flights Ultralight Flights Italy Ultralight Flights Tuscany

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Useful information

7 years Advertised on Yumping
