Sky-Delivery parachutisme

17 chemin Fried 67100 StrasbourgBas Rhin

Description of Sky-Delivery parachutisme

SKY-DELIVERY parachutisme is a structure specialized in tadem and solo parachute jumps, in Alsace, Vosges, Lorraine and other places according to your request.

SKY-DELIVERY offers you...

  • ULM jumps and flights.
  • Paramotor jumps and flights.
  • Helicopter jumps and flights.
  • Hot air balloon jumps and flights.
  • Paragliding flight jumps.
  • Hang gliding jumps and flights. celebrate a birthday, events and works councils, teambuilding, original gifts and bachelor/girls parties.

!!Jumps from March to December!!

For your jump into the deep blue, contact SKY-DELIVERY!

Useful information

14 years Advertised on Yumping


Sky-Delivery parachutisme Hang Gliding

17 chemin Fried 67100 StrasbourgBas Rhin

Description of Sky-Delivery parachutisme Hang Gliding

SKY-DELIVERY parachute is a structure specialized in tadem and solo parachute jumps, whether from plane, helicopter, balloons... in Alsace, Vosges, Lorraine and other places according to your request.

Parachute jumps from hang gliders are carried out occasionally and as part of sporting events, village festivals or other...

SKY-DELIVERY is responsible for the technical part and the feasibility study of the jump.

For your jump into the deep blue, contact SKY-DELIVERY!

Hang Gliding Hang Gliding France

Useful information

14 years Advertised on Yumping


Sky-Delivery parachutisme Skydiving

17 chemin Fried 67100 StrasbourgBas Rhin

Description of Sky-Delivery parachutisme Skydiving

SKY-DELIVERY parachute is a structure specialized in tadem and solo parachute jumps, whether from a plane, a helicopter, balloons... in Alsace, Vosges, Lorraine and other places according to your request.

SKY-DELIVERY offers you:

  • Classic tandem jumps (non-obligatory medical certificates).
  • Tandem jumps at 6000m (medical certificates required).
  • Solo initiation jumps (medical certificates required).

Jump procedure:

  • After 15 minutes of briefing and 20 minutes of flight up to approximately 4000 meters/6000 meters the door opens and you are in free fall at 200 KMH for approximately 50 seconds!
  • At 1500 meters the two-seater parachute is triggered by your instructor and it's now an 8-minute ride under sail in the sky!
  • The ground slowly approaches and you land to the applause of your loved ones, you now know why the birds sing!

!!Jumps from March to December!!

For your jump into the deep blue, contact SKY-DELIVERY!

Skydiving Skydiving France Skydiving Alsace

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Centre Ecole de Parachutisme Alsace

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Useful information

14 years Advertised on Yumping


Sky-Delivery parachutisme Paragliding

17 chemin Fried 67100 StrasbourgBas Rhin

Description of Sky-Delivery parachutisme Paragliding

SKY-DELIVERY parachute is a structure specialized in tadem and solo parachute jumps, whether from plane, helicopter, balloons... in Alsace, Vosges, Lorraine and other places according to your request.

Paragliding jumps as well as associated shooting are done with experienced people on suitable sites.
The sails used are two-seater sails and qualified two-seater pilots.
This type of jump is mainly carried out in spring and autumn in stable weather conditions allowing the parachutist to climb and release in complete safety!
SKY-DELIVERY is responsible for the technical study of the file.

For your jump into the deep blue, contact SKY-DELIVERY!

Paragliding Paragliding France

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Useful information

14 years Advertised on Yumping


Sky-Delivery parachutisme Hot Air Balloon Rides

17 chemin Fried 67100 StrasbourgBas Rhin

Description of Sky-Delivery parachutisme Hot Air Balloon Rides

SKY-DELIVERY parachute is a structure specialized in tadem and solo parachute jumps, whether from plane, helicopter, balloons... in Alsace, Vosges, Lorraine and other places according to your request.

Balloon jumps and baptisms are organized on an ad hoc basis as they are subject to specific weather conditions, particularly depending on the winds.

SKY-DELIVERY is responsible for the technical study and submission of the file.

For your jump into the deep blue or your baptism in a hot air balloon, contact SKY-DELIVERY!

Hot Air Balloon Rides Hot Air Balloon Rides France Hot Air Balloon Rides Alsace

Useful information

14 years Advertised on Yumping


Sky-Delivery parachutisme Helicopter Flights

17 chemin Fried 67100 StrasbourgBas Rhin

Offers of Helicopter Flights near Strasbourg


Helicopter Ride-2 People-10 minutes-Alsace

Helicopter Ride-2 People-10 minutes-Alsace

Bas Rhin
1 Booking Verified

Description of Sky-Delivery parachutisme Helicopter Flights

SKY-DELIVERY parachute is a structure specialized in tadem and solo parachute jumps, whether from plane, helicopter, balloons... in Alsace, Vosges, Lorraine and other places according to your request.

Helicopter jumps are carried out from Ecureuil B2 or B3 machines allowing for 2 tandems (4 people) and 1 videoman.
The drop height is a minimum of 3000 meters, the machines are operated and piloted by professional pilots.
This type of jump requires a special briefing for the part placed on the skate.

Classic helicopter baptisms lasting around 7 minutes can be organized jointly.

For your jump into the deep blue or your helicopter baptism, contact SKY-DELIVERY!

Helicopter Flights Helicopter Flights France Helicopter Flights Alsace Helicopter Flights Bas Rhin

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 Haguenau » Bas Rhin

Useful information

14 years Advertised on Yumping


Sky-Delivery parachutisme Paramotoring

17 chemin Fried 67100 StrasbourgBas Rhin

Description of Sky-Delivery parachutisme Paramotoring

SKY-DELIVERY parachute is a structure specialized in tadem and solo parachute jumps, whether from plane, helicopter, balloons... in Alsace, Vosges, Lorraine and other places according to your request.

Jumps using a paramotor are carried out with the best equipment available, in complete safety and in the company of a pilot with a DNC or equivalent. The jump takes place at a height of 850 meters and in stable atmospheric conditions.

SKY-DELIVERY is responsible for the technical study and the file with the competent institutions and organizations.

For your jump into the deep blue, contact SKY-DELIVERY!

Paramotoring Paramotoring France

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Air Aile Paramotoring

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Useful information

14 years Advertised on Yumping


Sky-Delivery parachutisme Ultralight Flights

17 chemin Fried 67100 StrasbourgBas Rhin

Offers of Ultralight Flights near Strasbourg


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ULM Leisure Flights - Recreational Wednesday

Bas Rhin
Children activities

Description of Sky-Delivery parachutisme Ultralight Flights

SKY-DELIVERY parachute is a structure specialized in tadem and solo parachute jumps, whether from plane, helicopter, balloons... in Alsace, Vosges, Lorraine and other places according to your request.

ULM jumps are organized occasionally with approved aircraft and pilots with a DNC. Parachuting takes place from a minimum height of 850m.

The ULM jump is ideal for a sporting event, village festival or a Santa Claus landing.
The jumps are carried out under cover of an aerial event with prefectural decree and organizer liability insurance.

For your jump into the deep blue, contact SKY-DELIVERY!

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Useful information

14 years Advertised on Yumping
