The British Balloon and Airship Club (BBAC) were founded in 1965. They exist to promote the safe enjoyment of airships. The BBAC has a number of certified instructors who train pilots of air balloons. They offer two different types of licenses for pilots, PPL licenses, and Commercial licenses. Both of the types of licenses have an extensive list of requirements prior to qualification. They require things such as:
Joining the club gets you six copies of the Aerostat magazine per year, reduced price maps, entitlement to use BBAC CAA Permissions and is the first step to becoming a licensed pilot. We promote discipline at the same time the fun is flying with us at the rhythm of the wind. Since 1965 our ideologies and our freedom vision get us to the highest great activities on board of a balloon. Ask us for some days above the clouds. Feel like a pilot!
Contact the British Balloon and Airship club today and take the first step toward becoming a licensed airship pilot.
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