At Bacaré we dedicate ourselves completely to the organization of bachelor parties. With us you will find the best offers with which you will make the groom or bride spend a truly unique and unforgettable day.
We have a large number of options to offer you. Today we will focus on the latest novelty that is sweeping the world: the birricil.
The birriciclo is a large bicycle, ours has capacity for 12 people, and in it you will find two bars and, in the center, a large beer barrel. The bicycle will be directed by our driver but you must help him by pedaling without stopping so as not to lose the rhythm.
During the journey you will enjoy all the beer you want, the best music chosen by yourselves, we can bring food, other types of drinks such as sanfgría, we decorate the birriciclo for the occasion... We can do anything you can think of.< /p>
Furthermore, once you finish the journey you can continue the party wherever you want. With us you will do the warm-up.
Call Beer Bike By Bacaré and give your best friend the best farewell you can imagine.
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