
Carretera Nacional 310 km 137 02600 VillarrobledoAlbacete
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from 28€
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Description of Bicifiesta

With Bicifiesta the biggest celebrations are shared as a group because our collective bicycle has capacity for up to a total of 22 occupants at the same time. From now on no party will be complete without it.

It's not just a multiple bike, it's a real rolling disco that has:

- Assisted pedaling so that you don't end up with your tongue hanging out from the effort, it's about having fun. You will also have a driver who acts as a chauffeur and directs the bicycle so that you are coordinated. He also acts as a guide and speaker, encouraging you with the most eloquent comments.

- Music and screens so that, even sitting down, you cannot suppress the desire to dance and you go all the way motivated to continue with the celebration until necessary. The entire bike is illuminated with LEDs that make it the attraction of any street once it gets dark. If you are not prepared to be the center of attention this is not for you.

- Throne for the protagonist: if you are having a bachelor party, the bride and the honoree have a special place to make it clear who is about to walk down the aisle.

You can hire whatever you want for the journey, from beer to food. We go to the town you indicate and start the party!

Beer Bike Tour Beer Bike Tour Spain Beer Bike Tour Castilla la Mancha Beer Bike Tour Albacete Beer Bike Tour Villarrobledo

Price catalog from Bicifiesta


Bike rental for farewells Aguas Nuevas 2h

Bike rental for farewells Aguas Nuevas 2h

1 Booking Verified


Rent a bike basic package Aguas Nuevas 2h

Rent a bike basic package Aguas Nuevas 2h


Useful information

7 years Advertised on Yumping
February 08th 2022 last update
Evencovi s.l.u Company legal name
B02561389 Commercial register number

Awards in Yumping


Beer Bike Tour

GOLD COMPANY Beer Bike Tour Albacete 2019
