The UK Bungee Club DN1

Consibrough, Doncaster DN5 7SN ConisbroughSouth Yorkshire
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Description of The UK Bungee Club DN1

Want to throw yourself off a bridge?

Trust the UK Bungee Club to bring you back to tell the tale! In Doncaster, DN1, we operate a mindblowing jump from the Conisbrough Viaduct. This relic of the industrial revolution is a huge, 500 metre long structure that dominates the landscape with its series of brick-built arches. At 35 metres high, it’s also a dizzying platform to complete a jump from.

But that’s just what droves of people queue up along the viaduct to do on our jump days. They trust us for our professionalism, our safety record and the thrilling experience that we deliver. Indeed, the UKBC is the leading provider of bungee jumps in the UK and sets the standard for the sport in the country.

As a viaduct jump, the Doncaster experience is most similar to the Whitby site and we recommend that you try both. Aside from viaduct jumps, we also run crane bungee events at over a dozen locations around the country, from the beaches of Newquay to the centre of London. Just down the road in Sheffield is our futuristic indoor bungee venue - the Abyss.

If you’re looking for a thrill, look no further than the UK Bungee Club!

Bungee Jumping Bungee Jumping United Kingdom Bungee Jumping Yorkshire and the Humber Bungee Jumping South Yorkshire

Reviews of The UK Bungee Club DN1

Very Good Based on 4 reviews
Very economical
Very Exciting
Very good

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1 years Advertised on Yumping
