Pirineo Ecuestre

Carretera de Francia, Km 648 22700 JacaHuesca
Lowest price
from 25€
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4 Pirineo Ecuestre has been booked 4 times through Yumping since joining in Marzo of 2024
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Description of Pirineo Ecuestre

Center approved by the Royal Spanish Equestrian Federation with qualified teachers and experts in teaching horse riding. Experienced equestrian guides who will make you discover our wonderful environment.

This has been recognized by Vogue magazine, which mentions us in its April 2015 edition as one of the highest quality children's sports proposals for the summer season.

At Pirineo Ecuestre we invite you to discover the landscapes of the Pyrenean mountain range. Our complete program of activities is different because it takes place in a unique environment. We offer you:

- Summer camps: our renowned international camps offer a comprehensive immersion in the world of horses, the practice of numerous equestrian disciplines, from dressage to show jumping, cross-country mode or those that remind us of the "far west" and are related to the care of livestock. Language learning will also prevail: English, French or Spanish for foreigners with native teachers. (From June 21 to August 30).

- Horseback riding vacation: take advantage of your free days to choose one of our routes. There is the possibility of following the itineraries marked by the Camino de Santiago or radically changing the landscape in the Bardenas Desert. The Pyrenees National Park and the Alto Aragón mountains are also within our reach. All of them last a week, which can be changed for a beautiful walk of one hour, two hours or a whole day. And also a full weekend. You can even accompany more than a hundred heads of cattle in our Transhumance.

- Riding school: we have more than 30 trained horses for riding classes of all levels and all the disciplines that we have presented to you. Our facilities are prepared with all the elements that allow its development.

- Equestrian baptism: our particular initiation designed for those who do not have any experience on horseback. You will learn while enjoying the environment and a fun experience, in total safety.

- Clinics (seminars) for improvement with the best experts in each specialty.

- Rehabilitation and treatment center: acupuncture, laser therapy and the most advanced veterinary techniques for the care and treatment of horses. Led by a team of renowned veterinarians.

- Visitsschool: we serve groups of schools in institutes. Ask us and we will design a day tailored to you getting to know these beautiful animals.

In addition, you can visit us with children of any age so they can learn to ride ourponies.

Reviews of Pirineo Ecuestre

Very Good Based on 3 reviews

All our reviews are verified. 100% of customers have enjoyed this activity

isabel lizano abadia
isabel lizano abadia 8 Good
Activity performed on 02/05/16
about the activity of: Horseback riding route in Jaca 2 hours

Review translated from Spanish

We had a great time, punctuality in salon and a lot of kindness.

We will return to experience. Good day and the tour excellent views.
Review sent on 15/05/16
Be the first to comment! Did you find this helpful? Yes
Carmen Ruiz Moya 8 Good

Review translated from Spanish

Good organization in the camp although we had a small problem with the collection of the child in the bird, therefore, Enchanted with everything.
Review sent on 15/07/14
Review useful for 1 people Did you find this helpful? Yes
María Alvarez 8 Good

Review translated from Spanish

The ride was very nice, A little tired and monotonous.
Review sent on 22/01/13
Review useful for 1 people Did you find this helpful? Yes

Useful information

16 years Advertised on Yumping
March 04th 2025 last update
100% Effectiveness verified bookings
Pirineos Ecuestre, S.L. Company legal name
B22337349 Commercial register number

Awards in Yumping


Horseback Riding

SILVER COMPANY Horseback Riding Huesca 2024


Horseback Riding

SILVER COMPANY Horseback Riding Huesca 2022


Horseback Riding

SILVER COMPANY Horseback Riding Huesca 2021


Horseback Riding

BRONZE COMPANY Horseback Riding Huesca 2020


Horseback Riding

BRONZE COMPANY Horseback Riding Huesca 2016


Horseback Riding

SILVER COMPANY Horseback Riding Huesca 2015


English Camps

GOLD COMPANY English Camps Huesca 2015


Horseback Riding

BRONZE COMPANY Horseback Riding Huesca 2014


Horseback Riding

GOLD COMPANY Horseback Riding Huesca 2013
View all the awards


How to get there?
We are located at the exit of Jaca, two km towards France, on the left of the road.

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Price catalog from Pirineo Ecuestre


Horseback riding route in Jaca 2 hours

Horseback riding route in Jaca 2 hours

5 Bookings Verified
4.00 (1 review)


Horseback riding through Jaca 1 hour

Horseback riding through Jaca 1 hour

3 Bookings Verified
Latest booking 39 hours


Horseback riding route in Jaca 1 hour and 30 minutes

Horseback riding route in Jaca 1 hour and 30 minutes

3 Bookings Verified


Equestrian baptism in Jaca 1:30 hours

Equestrian baptism in Jaca 1:30 hours

3 Bookings Verified


Equestrian camp with languages in Jaca 1 week

Equestrian camp with languages in Jaca 1 week


Pirineo Ecuestre Horseback Riding

N 330 Km 648 22700 JacaHuesca
Lowest price
from 25€
Verified Bookings
4 Pirineo Ecuestre Rutas a Caballo has been booked 4 times through Yumping since joining in Marzo of 2024
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Description of Pirineo Ecuestre Horseback Riding

We suggest you discover the Pyrenees: stunning landscapes, still virgin nature, wild fauna. And add to the pleasure of the adventure that of riding in the middle of nature.

For the most seasoned, the Transpyrenean, from the foothills of Euskadi to the Gulf of Roses. Or the cross-border one, from Jaca to the French town of Accous, passing through Somport. The Camino de Santiago, Alto Aragón, the Bárdenas Desert, Western Weekend with cattle work on horseback....

With "Pirineos Ecuestre" you can choose from a dozen of the best Pyrenean routes, on both sides of the border: the French side, wetter and greener, the Spanish side, almost Mediterranean. Both of extraordinary beauty. Routes for experienced or intermediate riders, lasting several days, one or two weeks...

Professional guides, with experience and with official qualifications from the Spanish Equestrian Federation and the Higher Sports Council.

Adventure but with professionalism and safety. Our horses, docile but with enough nerve to climb wherever the path does not lead, are specially trained for mountain routes.

Linear routes and also star routes, for those who prefer the comfort of returning to the same hotel after a long day on horseback.

To enjoy nature, art, culture and gastronomy of the region.

From our Equestrian Center, located two km from Jaca, there are steep trails that go into leafy forests or get lost in the distance, behind a ravine or a bend in the road. Others follow, along the Camino de Santiago, the turbulent waters of the Aragón River that originates in the Astún glacier, at more than 2,000m, to flow into the Ebro in Navarre.

Check calendar and prices.

Horseback Riding Horseback Riding Spain Horseback Riding Aragón Horseback Riding Huesca Horseback Riding Jaca

Useful information

16 years Advertised on Yumping
March 04th 2025 last update
100% Effectiveness verified bookings

Awards in Yumping


Horseback Riding

SILVER COMPANY Horseback Riding Huesca 2024


Horseback Riding

SILVER COMPANY Horseback Riding Huesca 2022


Horseback Riding

SILVER COMPANY Horseback Riding Huesca 2021


Horseback Riding

BRONZE COMPANY Horseback Riding Huesca 2020


Horseback Riding

BRONZE COMPANY Horseback Riding Huesca 2016


Horseback Riding

SILVER COMPANY Horseback Riding Huesca 2015


Horseback Riding

BRONZE COMPANY Horseback Riding Huesca 2014


Horseback Riding

GOLD COMPANY Horseback Riding Huesca 2013
View all the awards


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Price catalog from Pirineo Ecuestre Horseback Riding


Horseback riding route in Jaca 2 hours

Horseback riding route in Jaca 2 hours

5 Bookings Verified
4.00 (1 review)


Horseback riding through Jaca 1 hour

Horseback riding through Jaca 1 hour

3 Bookings Verified
Latest booking 39 hours


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Horseback riding route in Jaca 1 hour and 30 minutes

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Equestrian baptism in Jaca 1:30 hours

3 Bookings Verified

Pirineo Ecuestre Horse Riding Camps

Carretera de Francia, Km 648 22700 JacaHuesca
Lowest price
from 1395€
Published deals
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Description of Pirineo Ecuestre Horse Riding Camps

Pirineo Ecuestre offers an unbeatable comprehensive immersion program into the world of horse riding and horses with the opportunity to simultaneously learn and practice English, the essential language today, in addition to French or Spanish for students from abroad. It will always be done with teachers from the country of origin of each language.

All this against the backdrop of the Pyrenees, in an equestrian center located in the middle of nature with a rural hotel to accommodate young riders and horsewomen.

These are international camps for young people from 8 to 18 years old of all levels of both horsemanship and language, which begin on June 21 until August 30, in periods of one or several weeks.

The Pirineo Ecuestre summer camps have been chosen by the well-known VOGUE magazine among the five best sports camps internationally.

The teachers who make up our team are highly qualified and enjoy sharing their knowledge and passion for horses and nature, offering everything from initiation to perfection in numerous modalities within horse riding. We will learn, depending on the case, jumping, concepts about dressage or cross-country, what the western version of this sport is like, how natural dressage differs from all of them and what the hitch entails.

And of course all-day routes through our wonderful environment during which students will learn orientation techniques related to mountain survival.

The center has three sand courts, as well as two more grass courts. The function of one of the first of them is to meet the needs of reining. We have also had the collaboration of Albert Hermoso, European champion and Olympic rider, to design the configuration of the cross country circuit that we have.

Our equestrian program is complemented by seminars on veterinary medicine, hippology and ethology.

We have fifty horses of different breeds (KWPN for jumping), PRE, Anglo-Arabian, Spanish-Arab and American quarter horses trained to teach horsemanship at different levels.

Our equestrian teaching follows the methodology of the Gallops of the Spanish Equestrian Federation and students will be able to take exams at different levels during their stay.

- Students also receive two hours of language classes, which may be English, French or Spanish if the participants are foreigners. Native teachers coexist in the center, participating in leisure moments and recreational activities, allowing the promotion and practice of the language in a more spontaneous and natural way when carried out outside of lessons.traditional.

Language classes are taught outdoors or in places outside the school environment to highlight the playful aspect of learning, allowing the necessary effort to be more bearable and the results to be optimal.

The days of intense activity end with a yoga session (hatha yoga) to relax body and mind.

Participants stay in the rural hotel located in the same facilities, and share a room for four people.

On the other hand, to respond to family diversity, Pirineo Ecuestre offers a tennis program together with the team of the Jaca tennis and paddle club, Pyrenesport, with an excellent reputation. These students will receive three sessions of practice and game tactics, leaving one day for contests and competitions, and will join before lunch with the participants of the riding program. In the afternoon they will have two hours of language, plus one hour of horse riding. The schedules and prices are the same for both programs (from Sunday to Sunday, with the possibility of repeating a second or thirdweek).

Horse Riding Camps Horse Riding Camps Spain Horse Riding Camps Aragón Horse Riding Camps Huesca Horse Riding Camps Jaca

Price catalog from Pirineo Ecuestre Horse Riding Camps


Equestrian camp with languages in Jaca 1 week

Equestrian camp with languages in Jaca 1 week


Useful information

16 years Advertised on Yumping
March 04th 2025 last update
100% Effectiveness verified bookings
