The physical, social and intellectual development of children is essential in their daily lives, as is growing up in an appropriate environment, surrounded by love and with the best professionals. This is what we offer at Centro Raiola, specialized in the English language.
The language of Shakespeare is essential today, and that it is learned at such an early age in which they absorb everything that is taught to them is essential for their academic and professional development in the future. When learning is fun and natural, without stress, the child grows up happy.
Summer is the ideal time for children to reinforce the knowledge learned throughout the course, always without forgetting that they have to have fun and interact with others.
Urban camps
A Coruña (City) » A Coruña
Urban camps
A Coruña (City) » A Coruña
Urban camps
Madelos (Carelle) » A Coruña
If you do not want your child to lose fluency in the number one language and continue practicing it during the summer holidays, Raiola offers you its urban camp exclusively in English strong>.
English Camps
A Coruña (City) » A Coruña
English Camps
A Coruña (City) » A Coruña
English Camps
Madelos (Carelle) » A Coruña
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