7 Results

  • 5

    Whitewater canoe, Alto Tajo, 1 day

    Whitewater canoe, Alto Tajo, 1 day

    Poveda De La Sierra, Guadalajara
    13 Bookings Verified
    Best Seller
    from 55€ price/person
  • 3

    Canoe ride, Molina de la Chincha, 1 day

    Canoe ride, Molina de la Chincha, 1 day

    Poveda De La Sierra, Guadalajara
    (1 review) Excellent 
    1 Booking Verified
    from 25€ price/person
  • 5

    Descent of the Alto Tajo in a canoe, half a day

    Descent of the Alto Tajo in a canoe, half a day

    Valtablado Del Rio, Guadalajara
    (17 reviews) Excellent 
    42 Bookings Verified
    Best Seller
    from 45€ price/person
  • 5

    Best Price Guaranteed
    Paintball plus Canoeing and Accommodation, Alto Tajo

    Paintball plus Canoeing and Accommodation, Alto Tajo

    Molina De Aragon, Guadalajara
    Included Accommodation
    from 60€ price/person
  • 4

    Best Price Guaranteed
    Canoe descent of the Alto Tajo, section I

    Canoe descent of the Alto Tajo, section I

    Poveda De La Sierra, Guadalajara
    (1 review) Excellent 
    14 Bookings Verified
    Best Seller
    from 45€ price/person
  • 7

    Best Price Guaranteed
    Canoe descent of the Alto Tajo, section II

    Canoe descent of the Alto Tajo, section II

    Poveda De La Sierra, Guadalajara
    from 55€ price/person
  • 4

    Whitewater canoeing, Alto Tajo, 1 day

    Whitewater canoeing, Alto Tajo, 1 day

    Poveda De La Sierra, Guadalajara
    Included Lunch
    from 50€ price/person

All the Canoe Kayak companies in Guadalajara
