At Descender canyoning we are adventure specialists!
As responsible and professional guides, we guarantee the perfect mix on each tour:safety and fun at the same time.
Among the many adventure destinations we offer, the canyons of Jalisco stand out:
- Comala Canyon
- Turquoise Blue Canyon,
- Santa Rosa Canyon
- Los Jejenes Canyon
- La Campana Canyon
Canyons to national destinations:
- Matacanes Canyon (Monterrey, Nuevo León.)
- Cora Canyon (San Blas, Nayarit).
All our destinations are monitored by professional guides who specialize in offering each adventure a positive experience in contact with nature in a punctual, safe and fun way.
During each tour you can experience the thrill of sliding down natural rock slides where the water runs quickly or jumping into a pool of water from above. of a rock There are canyons that offer rivers that are deeper than others or there are even rivers with underground sections in caves.
If this doesn't seem enough to you, one of the best moments of our day of canyoning adventure comes when you have to rappel down a waterfall.
Dare to live it!
Guadalajara (México) » Jalisco
Acatic » Jalisco
Zapopan » Jalisco
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