ManoAperta is the multi-sport association part of the Italian Sports Climbing Federation which operates from Trieste to spread sports climbing as a training practice and method of bringing people together.
Rediscovering contact with nature and the importance of one's mind, having fun and growing in self-awareness: all this is ManoAperta climbing.
You can participate in ManoAperta activities by registering or membership.
All activities are aimed at educating the student and developing a feeling of aggregation that unites all participants, of any social level and age, in respect and sport.
Climbing is included in the cultural and training programs and proposals of the association, with particular attention to the weakest age groups, for which special training courses are proposed that respect their characteristics.
Climbing in the gym is held at the Palatrieste premises and is held in all its aspects by a team made up of great professionals in the field, all Federal Technicians and Alpine Guides.
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