Chester College International School is a prestigious educational center located in Teo, on the outskirts of Santiago de Compostela , with 35 years of experience in the sector , which since 1985 has been celebrating every month of Julio linguistic immersion camps.
The three camps it offers are the following:
All camps takes place at the center's facilities, in full nature and - except the mini camp - have residential and day modality (d ay ) .
The resident participants who spend the night in the center are housed in independent, male and female residences, in permanent supervision by the respective residence directors, who strive to create a homely environment for the participants who are away from home.
The dates of the different programs, for this summer of 2025 (40th edition), are the following:
An active didactic methodology is followed, which seeks the maximum exposure and practice of the language, in classes with reduced groups (Professor Ratio: Student of less than 1: 7) and by carrying out multiple musical, sports, cultural and recreational activities. P>
Participants have daily sessions of music, theater and oral communication and prepare a final-musical concert, putting their communicative skills into practice and developing their oratory and creativity. The classes are taught by native and titled teachers, carefully selected.
The preparation and presentation at all levels of the oral exams Gese de Trinity College London , which the full program participants (month ) They perform at the end of July at the center. Supplementary, it is also offeredPreparation for the realization of the Ise i and ISE II tests (which officially certifies levels B1 and B2, respectively).
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Chester College
Travesía de Montouto, 2 Santiago De Compostela
rn Lateral access to the Chester College campus is through the green gate located at the end of Rúa Pena da Corga.
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