Come in and make yourself comfortable in the Encrypt Room but we do not guarantee you a quiet, simple or safe evening, quite the opposite. You are going to experience fear and the pressure of time running against you unless you find a way out and manage to escape.
You; friends, family, partners or co-workers, imagine the best horror movie you have ever seen and now bring it as close as possible to the real world. Your routine has changed, you are no longer on the couch or in the quiet of the street, now you notice the danger approaching and you are in a closed room, just you, your senses and your ingenuity.
Reality has surpassed fiction and it is no longer worth staying still. You mustuse all your senses, working as a group and taking advantage of your ingenuity to be able to save yourself from the worst end that you are thinking and that will happen if you do not remedy it.
You only have one chance and a limited time, think and work carefully, avoid taking false steps and pay close attention to the signs. Any small detail can save you, or condemn you.
It's coming... It's your turn.
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