Escapism games have been causing a sensation in the leisure sector for a season now. They consist of solving a puzzle that is presented to you when you arrive and you have an hour to do so. It is a totally different experience from anything you have experienced before: you will test your ingenuity. Your mental agility and all your weapons and abilities.
They are activities designed for groups of between two and six people, which is the ideal number to enjoy the experience and experience teamwork.
At the Enigmatik Games facilities in Reus you can enjoy two different games:
-CSI Gold Coast: just like in the hit television series, you and your friends will be forensic detectives for an hour, and you will have to fully immerse yourself in the role if you want to get to the end of this matter! Do you love clues, logic and intuition? Well this is your game.
-The heist: become a professional thief for one hour. You will have to use all your ingenuity to be able to steal a unique and priceless piece: a Fabergé egg. Encourage your friends and become a group of professional thieves who are not content with robbing banks and jump straight into works of art and unique pieces...
The challenge begins when you arrive at the door, we are waiting for you.
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