If claustrophobia is not a problem for you, you have everything you need to play with us in Sin Escape. The entire plot takes place in a room that you will access with your group for a time that should not exceed 60 minutes in any case. Being able to leave by your own means, before the organization reopens the door, depends on you.
You will be faced with a disconcerting story without a specific beginning. The only thing you know is that your poor little heads are messed up and there is not a single memory to blame for that. There is a higher being that controls everything and that assures us that getting to the truth is not going to be easy. You may prefer not to know what is really happening to safeguard your mental health.
Despite the tension that will be unleashed in this game, it is also suitable for minors who have reached 12 years with adults who are responsible for them. To reach the solutions to the riddles proposed, the ideal proportion within the group is half of the adult participants with the other half of children.
We are available both in the morning and in the afternoons with a schedule that begins daily at 10 a.m. and ends with the start of the last game at 10 p.m.
Escape Rooms
Escape Rooms Spain
Escape Rooms Comunidad Valenciana
Escape Rooms Alicante