One of the most important and positive characteristics that Spain has in general and Madrid in particular, is its incredible gastronomy.
There is no better way to get to know a culture than knowing what its diet is and precisely theMediterranean Diet is characterized by being one of the most beneficial for health and one of the most varied and tasty.
We propose several tours so that you can discover the thousand varieties of tapas that the city offers, the different dishes and of course, taste our characteristic Serrano ham:
- Tour from Plaza Santa Ana: This tour will start from said square and will include a full breakfast with homemade chocolate and churros and a walk through the neighborhood supermarket where you can try all the typical Madrid products whatever you want.
- Definitive Spanish cooking tour: starting from the mythical Plaza Mayor, a guide will explain the customs and ways of cooking of the different dishes and chefs and you will be able to meet them and talk to the latter. You will try different types of Serrano and Iberian ham, different types of nougat, local wines and you will discover the most famous areas of Madrid.
- Tapas, Taverns and History: this tour takes you through the most representative tapas bars in Madrid, while telling you part of the history of Madrid cuisine. You will try more than 12 tapas and of course the Iberian acorn-fed ham will not be left out.
Guided Tours
Guided Tours Spain
Guided Tours Madrid
Guided Tours Madrid (City)