At Sinmapa Family Travel we are dedicated to finding and organizing the best trips to enjoy with the family.
On this occasion we bring you a very special proposal: a route through the most magical Toledo. The city of three cultures has a multitude of monuments, streets and squares in which the influences that Muslim, Jewish and Christian cultures left over the centuries have been reflected.
The tour of the Muslim neighborhood begins. The passage of this culture is evident in the facades of the houses, arches, decorative motifs and in squares such as Zocodover. After this we will go on to tour the Jewish quarter through the narrow streets of Toledo and we will also enter the neighborhoods with a more Christian influence.
The entire tour will be enlivened with the history and anecdotes of the places visited. Thus, the little ones in the house will learn and see that three cultures can live in harmony, as happened in Toledo, and how this coexistence was possible.
Likewise, during the visit to the city we will enter the caves, where tradition says that the city of Toledo arose, and we will have the opportunity to contemplate the therms of the Roman times.
Guided Tours
Guided Tours Spain
Guided Tours Castilla la Mancha
Guided Tours Toledo
Guided Tours Toledo (City)