If you like to try new things, in any field, we welcome you to Alacranes y Dragones, the application for Android with which you can discover in an unprecedented way the historic city of Burgos without having to be accompanied by a guide.
Once downloaded, it is advisable to do so with a WIFI connection, you will be able to access the three routes it proposes:
Tour the Burgos that is known today through its emblematic buildings and streets.
The historic Burgos will take you into the events that have arisen through centuries of history.
For those who prefer an alternative version of history, Alacranes y Dragones will take you to decipher the riddles, enigmas and puzzles that will lead you to the missing biographer Anabel Renard.
The route will be about 4 kilometers we emphasize certain points:
Use headphones, being outdoors, you will hear better.
Comfortable shoes as well as the outfit, and water to hydrate you throughout the adventure.
Be careful with traffic and other pedestrians, pay attention to every step, the most important thing is your safety.
We advise minors under 16 years of age to be accompanied.
Fun, practical and accessible to everyone, we present our app as an alternative tourism that everyone will love. Try it, you will be wanting to repeat.