AtClub Hípic Castells we are proud of our horse services between the towns ofVinyols i Els Arcs and Cambrils. We organize horseback riding routes along the coast of Tarragona, combining the beach, forests, rivers and rural roads of Tarragona's Bajo Campoo.
Our star route is along the beach of Cambrils, especially in the winter season and on days when it is not very hot, because it means that the sand is empty of bathers and tourists and that we will enjoy quietly while it caresses us the Mediterranean breeze. Older children can also join these experiences, either along the Alforja stream between the two towns where our equestrian center is located or along the paths surrounded by stone pines typical of the forests of the >Gold Coast.
But within the equestrian center we also have space for rides, especially for younger children. From the age of 2 they can ride on top of a perfectly cared for pony, and from the age of 5 they will be able to take the reins of one of these mounts and have their first experience as a rider.
In addition, we plan tours for special occasions: we will go in search of the full moon in the middle of the night through the forests, and we will dress up at carnival and in the parade of the three kings to Go celebrate these beautiful days in Cambrils.
The offer is wide, and it is a great way to discover the nature of Tarragona without the use of cars or other polluting transport.
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