Equi Libre takes you on breathtakinghorseback ridings.
Hikes and horse riding outings are organized, with varying durations to adapt as closely as possible to your expectations.
The hikes are mainly done in the Pyrenees. You can go for a few days, in bivouacor with full board.
But other activities are also open to you:
Trimming and horse care courses. It doesn't matter what your level is. It's never too late to get started!
Real enthusiasts, now professionals, advise you and teach you everything you need to know about the vast world of horse riding. A whole universe is to be discovered. We never stop learning!
Discover a new way of hiking, accompanied by your faithful horse friends, as well as the center's instructors. A golden idea for your family or friends outings.
Get even closer to nature with Equi Libre