The riding club La Ventura , based in Giaveno , in Piedmont , is an association that offers its users the opportunity to interact with the nature and with the horse , considered one of the noblest animals existing in nature.
La Ventura offers rehabilitation courses, allowing you to acquire greater self-confidence and learning to relate totally to the horse thanks to one of our expert instructors which will be at your disposal throughout the duration of the activity you decide to undertake.
Among our proposals you will have the possibility to choose whether to take a relaxing horseback ride in the Piedmontese woods or in the wonderful landscapes whitened by the snow that the province of Turin gives you or an instructive one. riding lesson to get in touch with this wonderful horse.
Among the suggested proposals La Ventura offers its experience with proposals such as:
The facilities of the equestrian club La Ventura are equipped to offer you the utmost professionalism and safety and you and your children will be completely at ease.
Contact La Ventura to get more information or book one of the offers now!
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too big in everything, really greatReview translated from Italian
Horseback Riding
Horseback Riding
Horseback Riding
Favria » Turin
Horseback Riding
Gassino Torinese » Turin
Horseback Riding
La Loggia » Turin
Horseback Riding
San Raffaele Cimena » Turin
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