With Jet Skis Tenerife you expand your leisure possibilities in the most popular of the Canary Islands. We have chosen for this the coasts of Radazul in Rosario where the Atlantic Ocean opens before us.
To build our fleet we have chosen the most agile nautical vehicles with these characteristics on the market. With the Seadoo Spark the fun is multiplied thanks to its quick response to any maneuver.
Your experience will be covered by the mandatory security measures that we respect to the millimeter. However, their success also depends on you but you just have to listen to our instructor before entering the water to know how to follow them properly.
Once we have made sure that you have understood how to operate the controls, go out to sea and make the return turn, we will give you the choice of the time you want to allocate to the route. The minimum is half an hour, enough to see the closest surroundings and see what it feels like in one of these vehicles. If you opt for a full hour rental you will have double the time but not for double the price, making it the most economical option in terms of quality and price.
Jet Skiing
Jet Skiing Spain
Jet Skiing Canarias
Jet Skiing Tenerife