The Sport Kite Italia Federation was born in Rome in 1999 as a common kite school.
By making maximum efforts over the years, it has managed to create an ever-increasing number of kiters throughout Italy, becoming a legally recognized sports association.
Some schools have affiliated with us at FSKI and, even, some coastal municipalities keep us as a point of reference for the questions they have to face regarding kitesurfing.
The major current commitment of the FSKI is to make the institutions understand that kiter enthusiasts and practitioners are becoming more and more and that there is, therefore, an urgent need to assign free beaches authorized for this sports, where there are no swimmers or navigation of any kind.
The Kitesurf Courses and School of this school affiliated with ASI and registered in the CONI registers rely on the Kitesurf International Safety System teaching system, which has developed a method of learning that allows kiters to practice according to high safety standards and in a quick and effective way.
The instructors of Federazione Sport Kite Italia all in possession of regular teaching certification, at the end of each training course, will examine the students and give them the certification corresponding to the level achieved.
The meetings for the practical-theoretical lessons are usually scheduled during the weekend, to better adapt to the timetables of the students, but, upon request, you will also have the possibility of scheduling the two lessons in the afternoon midweek.
Our method sets group meetings lasting a maximum of 2 hours for each day and always with exercises at the safety threshold, within 15-16 knots.
The FSKI has in its educational program:
and so on, with the FSKI method you can start from the first starts in the water and on the beach and end up becoming certified as a kite instructor.
Discover kitesurfing with the Italian Kite Sport Federation.
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