Battlefield Live Inkomunikados

Col d'Ibardin, 220 Route d'Olhett 64122 UrrugnePyrénées-Atlantiques
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from 28€
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Description of Battlefield Live Inkomunikados

Battlefield Live Inkomunikados throws you into a life-size video game simulation in the heart of the Pyrenees Atlantiques!

The game takes place usinginfrared technologywhich does not cause any stains or pain, and is accessible to everyone! Children, adults, girls or boys will be able to launch into unforgettable battles during this outdoor laser game!
Games can be organized according to different game modes: face to face, in teams or individually, many possibilities are offered to you. Once you've tasted it, you won't be able to do without it:

  • You will experience the sensations of a video game transferred to real life thanks to modern equipment
  • You will shoot infrared rayswith incredible precision over long distances
  • You will enjoy aclean and safe game, without projectiles or paintballs

The center has land in Urrugne, but can also move to your private land if you wish! Do not hesitate to contact Battlefield Live Inkomunikados to organize a crazy afternoon with family, friends or why not colleagues!

Laser Tag Laser Tag France Laser Tag Aquitaine Laser Tag Pyrénées-Atlantiques Laser Tag Urrugne

Reviews of Battlefield Live Inkomunikados

Very Good Based on 2 reviews
Very economical
Very Exciting
Very good

All our reviews are verified. 100% of customers have enjoyed this activity

Price catalog from Battlefield Live Inkomunikados


Laser combat Col d'Ibardin Urrugne - 2h

Laser combat Col d'Ibardin Urrugne - 2h

Children activities

Useful information

11 years Advertised on Yumping
December 26th 2016 last update
