If you want to organize a camp based on an educational program in Acámpolis we are specialists.
At Acámpolis we organize camps for schools, organizations, families or associations with the sole purpose of providing tools to our campers to grow personally, in addition to promoting and encouraging them to be responsible with the environment.
In our camps, children learn by playing, that is why we offer adventure activities in nature such as hiking, rappelling courses, climbing, challenges and challenges; in addition to having excellent facilities forzip lines, hanging bridges, cabins and comfortable service and toilet facilities.
We work under 4 educational programs from which you can choose the one that interests you the most since they work on aspects such as emotional intelligence, collaborative work, environmental responsibility, life project, among others.
If you want to organize your camp, write to us and we will propose the best program.
Multi Adventure Camps
Multi Adventure Camps Mexico
Multi Adventure Camps Jalisco