Aventurama's multi-adventure camps are designed to continue the educational work of schools during the holidays.
We have different modalities with the common nexus of learning activities in a playful environment away from the usual environment that children experience at school during the course. We want them to consolidate friendship bonds with other children their age. This is how we contribute to their socialization, an aspect that we consider vital for their growth.
Our camps are:
- Multiadventure: we program a stay in which adventure sports will be the protagonists. We encourage cooperation and respect for nature and others through fun.
- Urban: they represent a solution for parents who work during the summer and seek care for their children. We have these camps in private and public centers throughout the Community of Madrid. We cover all disciplines with musical, culinary workshops, games, physical or scientific activities.
- Artistic: we know that not all children like or find it easy to play sports. We want to give free rein to the creativity of young people without moving away from nature. To do this, we teach drawing, painting, and modeling techniques and introduce ourselves to the world of cinema, theater and advertising. During rest time we have gymkhanas and games in the pool.
At Aventurama we also take care of providing options to both parent associations and schools for extracurricular periods.
Multi Adventure Camps
Madrid (City) » Madrid
Multi Adventure Camps
Madrid (City) » Madrid
Multi Adventure Camps
San Martin De Valdeiglesias » Madrid
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