The Peñas Blancas multi-adventure camp is aimed at children from 7 years old and adolescents up to 17.
We will stay near Madrid, in the area known as Pinares Llanos, in the Sierra de Guadarrama. We have stone buildings for the basic facilities: industrial kitchen, dining room with the possibility of opening it outdoors, warehouses, sinks, showers and an infirmary equipped with bunk beds, a doctor's room and a bathroom.
Keys to know our camps:
- The human team is made up of qualified free time monitors and auxiliary personnel, including healthcare, maintenance and administration.
- Participants stay in sturdy tents according to age groups. Each one will be the responsibility of a single monitor.
- We carry out activities in three blocks: sports, cultural and recreational, all of them focused on coexistence and the integration of the individual in the group.
- The educational method we use is dialogue and participation. We encourage respect for any religion and ideology.
We have created three shifts of around two weeks in duration, two of them in the month of July and the last in August. We have more than 1000 places.
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