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Baita della Luna

Piani di Artavaggio, 4 23817 MoggioLecco
In the middle of the green
Snowmobiles at night

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Offers of Multiadventure near Moggio


Paintball game in Merate 300 shots 2 hours

Paintball game in Merate 300 shots 2 hours

1 Booking Verified

Description of Baita della Luna

On the Alps, between beautiful landscapes, good food and lots of fun, the refuge Baita della Luna offers you the kindness and professionalism of its staff to enjoy a stay, or even just a day, at the sign of sport and relaxation.

Located in a ski resort at 1600 meters above sea level , in Moggio in the province of Lecco, the hut has more than 100 places to eat (between inside and outside) and 12 beds with private bathroom and TV´: typical food, comfort and cordiality are guaranteed. In addition, a jeep is available for transfers from the hut.

La Baita della Luna offers the possibility to rent quads and snowmobiles for trips with expert guides.

The quads are for two people and even children over 5 can ride on them if accompanied by their parents. You can also go out in the evening. The helmet, the balaclava is given by the staff and the package also includes lunch and dinner at the cabin.

Finally, with the rental of snowmobiles you can make night excursions but also rides on the slopes. Also in this case, an excellent dinner in the hut will not be missed.

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8 years Advertised on Yumping
