There are 2 ways to get to know Barcelona, the fun one and the boring one. There are also 2 ways to get around Barcelona, in traffic jams or quickly. At eCityTours we opt for fun and fast, that's why we offer tourism and transportation alternatives for the general public.
Our offer consists of renting Smart and Trikke bicycles, you can also hire the services of a guide who will show you the most notable corners of Barcelona, you can choose the itinerary or take one of our most common routes.
You choose, the comfort and practicality of an urban bicycle or the innovation and fun of a trikke. Both options offer a beautiful experience on the streets of Barcelona, even if you are a group you can combine between 2 and 3 wheels to try both alternatives within the same experience and day.
The routes can be done in Spanish, French, English and Catalan, an opportunity for any tourist regardless of their nationality.
eCityTours tourism like you have never imagined before.
Berga » Barcelona
Barcelona (City) » Barcelona
Barcelona (City) » Barcelona
Mountain Biking
Berga » Barcelona
Mountain Biking
Teia » Barcelona
Mountain Biking
Terrassa » Barcelona
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