If you are looking for an original, fun and dynamic activity that goes beyond the standards set by conventional leisure and that you can share with your group of friends or your co-workers, Kleemeventos has the solution. We suggest you discover ourCinema Paradiso, a show specially designed to bring out the most artistic spirit in all of you, turning you into the protagonists of advertisements or films.
The dynamics of the activity consists of shooting different short films and advertising spots, divided into two teams led by our monitors. Each group will have to include details from the great film classics, recreating moments from everyday life. In this way, you will develop your imagination and artistic skills, having fun and working with a common goal.
Our movie catalog is divided into Back to the Future, Star Wars or Gladiators, without leaving aside 1920s Mafia and Fantasy. Once you have been assigned the title, each member of the team will have a job to do, such as being a scriptwriter and story board, performing a casting, being in charge of makeup and costumes, or setting up the set. In addition, you will rehearse as many times as you consider necessary.
Once the recording is done, we will proceed to the viewing and hand out the corresponding prizes, you will even have an Oscar!Team Building activities will never be the same after our Thematic Adventure.
We are waiting for you at Kleemeventos!
Real-life Games
Real-life Games Spain
Real-life Games Madrid
Real-life Games Madrid (City)