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Navigation Education

1 Alderdale Avenue Sedgley DY3 3TY DudleyWest Midlands
Navigation training mountains
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Description of Navigation Education

Welcome to the fabulous Navigation Education! Learn essential navigation skills and enjoy mountain walks and hikes throughout some of the most scenic areas of the UK. Discover hills and mountains in areas like the Snowdonia National Park, Lake District, Peak District, Wyre Forest and Clee Hills while under the wing of their Mountain Leader Stella Adamson.

Learn how to read a map and use a compass and qualify through the Basic Expedition Leaders Course or Day Walk Leaders Course to lead groups in the outdoors. We can also help you qualify as a First Aider, with our Emergency First Aid at Work Courses (1 day and 3 day) or our Outdoor Emergency Action Course (8 hours) and our ITC Certification in Outdoor First Aid (16 hours).

Are you aged between 14 and 24 years and interested in completing the Duke of Edinburgh Award? Then check out our Open Duke of Edinburgh Award Group. Or are you a head teacher who would like to introduce the Duke of Edinburgh Award in your school, but don't know how to get it started or how to get your teachers qualified? Contact Stella, she can help. Bespoke courses for schools are her speciality!

For more information about how you can get outdoors and navigate or hike, contact Stella at Navigation Education today.

Useful information

13 years Advertised on Yumping
