Reviews of UR Pirineos Murillo

UR Pirineos Murillo
UR Pirineos Murillo
Murillo De Gallego, Zaragoza
Very Good Based on 52 reviews
Very good

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  • María Esperanza Bataller Uceda
    María Esperanza Bataller Uceda 10 Very good
    Activity performed on 19/08/23
    about the activity of: Rafting level II descent on the Gállego River

    Review translated from Spanish

    Very fun activity and the monitor, Ricardo, luxury. Good professional. Totally recommended. We will repeat for sure.

    Review sent on 19/08/23

    Company's response:

    Thank you very much Esperanza, it has been a pleasure!

    We convey your words to Ricardo.

    We wait for you another time :)

    Greetings from the team.

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  • B
    Beatriz Herrando Sánchez 10 Very good
    Activity performed on 18/08/23
    about the activity of: Bungee jumping in Murillo de Gállego 25 meters

    Review translated from Spanish

    It has been great and my cousin (it was a gift) has been delighted with the boy because she said that if it hadn't been for him she doesn't know if she would have dared to jump. A 100, thank you!

    Review sent on 18/08/23
    UR Pirineos Murillo 1

    Company's response:

    Many thanks to you Beatriz, delighted that you enjoyed Bungee Jumping :), a 25 meter jump over the Gállego River, in an impressive setting in front of the Mallos de Riglos.

    We thank you for your words.

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  • J
    Juan Carlos Gil Amillo 10 Very good
    Activity performed on 01/08/23
    about the activity of: Family rafting for adults Murillo de Gállego

    Review translated from Spanish

    Impressive, highly recommended in all aspects, the monitors are very professional people. I recommend it, we will repeat. Thank you for the experience and the treatment.

    Review sent on 01/08/23
    UR Pirineos Murillo 2
    UR Pirineos Murillo 3
    UR Pirineos Murillo 4
    UR Pirineos Murillo 5

    Company's response:

    Thank you very much Juan Carlos, we are glad that you enjoyed the activity and want to do it again. We look forward to welcoming you another time. Greetings from the team.

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  • L
    Laura Escobar Machin 10 Very good
    Activity performed on 05/07/23
    about the activity of: Family rafting for children in Murillo de Gállego

    Review translated from Spanish

    It is the second year that we do rafting with them and again phenomenal. Inigo has been a lot of fun. Next time we will do a family gymkhana. It looked good.

    Review sent on 05/07/23

    Company's response:

    Thank you Laura for your comment, we are very glad that you enjoyed it :) We convey your message to Iñigo, he will be delighted to hear from you!! See you soon by the Gállego river for a fantastic gymkhana :D

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  • Blanca Pueyo Acin
    Blanca Pueyo Acin 10 Very good
    Activity performed on 14/08/22
    about the activity of: Family rafting for adults Murillo de Gállego

    Review translated from Spanish

    Experience to repeat, exceptional monitor and unbeatable views. Hygiene of 10, environment and wonderful cleanliness. Recommendable.

    Review sent on 14/08/22

    Company's response:

    Thank you for your review and for seeing the details that really matter to us.

    Until next time!

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  • I
    Irene koomen 10 Very good
    Activity performed on 12/08/22
    about the activity of: Family rafting for children in Murillo de Gállego

    We had great fun! Nice instructor. The water was easy going with some exciting accelerations. Good swimming as well.

    Review sent on 14/08/22

    Company's response:

    We are glad that you have marked a good taste in your mouth and enjoy our environment and activities. Thanks!

    We hope to see you another time!

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  • M
    MARIA MARIN SANCHEZ 10 Very good
    Activity performed on 13/08/19
    about the activity of: Hydrospeed in Gállego river whitewater 3 hours

    Review translated from Spanish

    The monitor very attentive and pleasant. The perfect facilities and material. A highly recommended and fun activity.

    Review sent on 14/08/19

    Company's response:

    Thank you for your review. We look forward to seeing you again next season and enjoying together.

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  • J
    Josefina Torres Cuadros 10 Very good

    Review translated from Spanish

    The truth is that it was very fun! The monitors a charm, a lot of patience and transmit very good vibes!

    We will wake up for sure!

    Review sent on 05/09/18

    Company's response:
    Thank you for your evaluation Fina! We wait for you next summer to continue with new adventures and experiences! Greetings from Murillo de Gállego

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  • M
    Mónica Prieto Triviño 10 Very good
    Activity performed on 11/08/18
    about the activity of: Family rafting for children in Murillo de Gállego

    Review translated from Spanish

    We loved the experience. The guide that Raul played for us was great in the development of the rafting activity, we all enjoyed the experience since it was fun.

    Review sent on 19/08/18

    Company's response:

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  • L
    Luis Labeaga Innerarity 10 Very good
    Activity performed on 15/08/18
    about the activity of: Hydrospeed in Gállego river whitewater 3 hours

    Review translated from Spanish

    A different activity than the ones I knew and very funny. Even being a month in which there is not much flow becomes enjoyable. The monitor, Eneko, a crack!

    Review sent on 15/08/18

    Company's response:
    Thank you for your evaluation Luis! We hope you repeat with us! Regards!!

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