The Pollino Adventure Park, based in San Severino Lucano (PZ), managed by the Pollino Village Association, was born from the passion of people who love nature and all types of sports they can practice while being in contact with it.
The park offers a variety of activities to better experience the natural environment of the Pollino National Park:
Escape and adventure will be the watchword to have as much fun as possible, always well equipped and accompanied by a team made up of environmental guides, federal sports instructors and environmental education operators.
Contact Pollino Adventure Park! Come and visit us!
All our reviews are verified. 100% of customers have enjoyed this activity
The manager instead of offering information was limited to pointing out that at 8 pm it was closed and that we (4 family groups who had approached the cottage to inquire about costs and routes) were not welcome ... but since when big slice of an Italian natural park has become the private property of a rampant speculator? clean up the park and advertise in the south not to the individual user of the European funds to make and declare private property an asset that belongs to everyone?Review translated from Italian
Company's response:
Gentilile signora, ricordo molto bene l'episodio da lei citato soprattutto perchè ricordo sia la sua arroganza che l'espressione dei suoi amici (molto perplessa !!) difronte alla Sua propositata reazione, ma andiamo per ordine.
The area of the adventure park is this concessionaire in management alla nostra Associazione with regolare side of public evidence, which is to preserve and render fruitful the important area of the National Park of Pollino but at the moment it has been degraded by negligence. E 'status, pertanto, realizes a delimitation of a newly created part of the public entity to the end of guaranteeing the security per i frequentatori of the luogo mentre, gives part of our own, this status necessary to adguare the tutto così as the Legge prevede (cartelli indicativi, chiusura dell'area in assenza del personale, ecc.). Quindi, negli orari di chiusura no è consentito l'acesso all'area anche per moti di sicurezza, certo, avremmo potuto erect a muraglione or mettere of the spinato edge, ma ci è semmbrato enough a catena with a lucchetto per far capire che da lì in poi c'è una proprietà. Lei, you have violated this proprietà! Il Parco Avventura è status realized with investment, assolutely, private of alcune who has little of the impression and of the rampant with a great voglia of credere to the South if può creates qualcosa di new, che funzioni, che sia eco compatibile e che day occasioni di lavoro. Qunid, nessun profit ma lavoro, nessun European fund ma private. Concluded, cara Signora, Lei has sbagliato nei modi e nei termini e continues to show him facendo affermazione assolutely infondate. Comunque, nulla di irreparabile! When I decide to lasciare the Sua Modena and I will return to San Severino for sure I will come to trovarci, "nostra ospite", during the OPENING hours!
Maratea » Potenza
Terranova di Pollino » Potenza
Potenza (City) » Potenza
Pescopagano » Potenza
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Pollino Nordic Walking Adventure Park allows you to get closer to this fascinating discipline thanks to the experience of the Italian Nordic Walking School which will provide qualified instructors.
You will know all the techniques necessary to undertake this sport and you will be able to set off on an adventure.
You will walk on foot with the help of snowshoes and you will be able to discover the most hidden and uncontaminated places of the Pollino National Park.
Contact us for more information! Pollino Nordic Walking Adventure Park awaits you!
Nordic Walking
Viggianello » Potenza
Nordic Walking
Terranova di Pollino » Potenza
Nordic Walking
Potenza (City) » Potenza
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Pollino Trekking Adventure Park is the right place to unwind and spend hours of pure fun in direct contact with nature.
Well equipped and above all wearing a comfortable pair of trekking shoes you can set off to discover the Pollino National Park.
In the company of friends or simple acquaintances, nature lovers like you, you will discover new worlds and be surprised by the wonders that nature offers.
Pollino Trekking Adventure Park will be an interesting way to use your free time by experiencing moments of exhilarating intensity.
You will experience beautiful sensations in intact and wild natural environments! Contact us!
Viggianello » Potenza
Maratea » Potenza
Nemoli » Potenza
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Pollino MTB Adventure Park is equipped with excellent cycle paths, located towards the town of Bosco Magnano.
Ideal for mountain bike lovers, the park allows you to spend days in direct contact with nature, immersed in the Pollino National Park which boasts of being one of the best in southern Italy.
You can take advantage of the rental service (one hour - half day - full day) and set off to discover uncontaminated places on a bike, heading on different types of routes that will require a bit of physical preparation.
Pollino MTB Adventure Park is the right place for you! Don't hesitate to contact us!
Mountain Biking
Maratea » Potenza
Mountain Biking
Potenza (City) » Potenza
Mountain Biking
Sasso di Castalda » Potenza
Pollino Adventure Park Adventure Parks is the right place to experience an extraordinary adventure, completely immersed in nature. Inside one of the most beautiful Italian wooded areas, the park allows you to have fun with different equipment placed on multiple routes:
Before starting, you will follow a briefing in which you will receive all the information necessary to carry out the activities and you will be provided with all the safety equipment (karabiners, helmet, harness).
Don't waste time and come and experience the adventure! Contact Pollino Adventure Park Adventure Parks!
High Ropes
Potenza (City) » Potenza
High Ropes
Sasso di Castalda » Potenza
The Adventure Park of Pollino Canyoning takes you to canyoning in the Pollino National Park .
The Pollino Adventure Park is the park among the trees managed by the Pollino Village Association which offers not only routes with tools, but also adventure activities within the territories of the adjacent park national.
Canyoning or Torrentismo fits precisely in this area: our expert guides will take you down the suggestive and narrow gorges (gorges) crossed by courses 'water that characterize the National Park, in small groups, for a fun and adventurous experience.
Canyoning presents different levels of difficulty depending on the technicity of the chosen route, in this sense the Pollino is the ideal place to do it, with its wealth of descents that will be able to satisfy the neophyte who wants to approach the practice quietly or the expert who seeks routes with the most jumps to enrich his experience with so many adrenaline peaks.
Whatever your case, trust in Pollino Adventure Park Canyoning and go on an adventure with us!
Pescopagano » Potenza
Sasso di Castalda » Potenza
Terranova di Pollino » Potenza
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