Pollino Adventure

Via Castelfidardo 10\a 85030 Terranova di PollinoPotenza
Lowest price
from 15€
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Description of Pollino Adventure

Pollino Adventure offers you many options to enrich your holiday in Basilicata with sport, nature, culture and above all fun!

A break from the exhausting routine of the city, we offer the opportunity to escape from the smog and pollution of the city and immerse yourself in the most total, incredible and relaxing nature.

With great professionalism, Maestro Pasquale Larocca and his collaborators will give you a new tourist dimension characterized by activities such as:

  • Nordic Walking, winter preparation for cross-country skiing, loved by all now;
  • Canyoning, a real adventure among the waters of our gorges and streams;
  • Mountain Bike, steep climbs and climbs will be the goal;
  • Snowshoe excursions, snowshoeing in company on a Sunday has now become great fun,
  • Cross-country skiing, an Olympic sport loved by all;
  • Sports Climbing, the thrill of climbing great heights;
  • Environmental Education, for adults and children, we will try to change the world.

The Pollino Adventure team awaits you with open arms to share spectacular experiences with you that will give you indelible memories.

Contact us to receive more information on the disciplines you are interested in. We will reply to you as soon as possible!

Reviews of Pollino Adventure

Very Good Based on 1 reviews
Very economical
Very calm
Very poor

All our reviews are verified. 100% of customers have enjoyed this activity

antonio caramuscio
antonio caramuscio 10 Very good

Review translated from Italian

A unique experience very nice and polite courteous instructors to be redone as soon as the heat arrives.
Review sent on 18/01/18
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14 years Advertised on Yumping
January 22th 2016 last update


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Nordic Walking weekend in Pollino Park

Nordic Walking weekend in Pollino Park


Pollino Adventure Canyoning

Via Castelfidardo 10\a 85030 Terranova di PollinoPotenza
Lowest price
from 15€
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Description of Pollino Adventure Canyoning

Pollino Adventure Canyoning will accompany you to discover the Pollino Gorges (the Garavina and the Raganello) with its canyoning excursions guided by highly qualified staff.

We will accompany you with experience and professionalism in the fantastic places of the Pollin Parko, guaranteeing maximum safety and the use of suitable equipment.

Slides, waterfalls, jumps, dives and lots of adrenaline will characterize a canyoning adventure you will never forget! Would you like to know more?

Send your request to Pollino Adventure Canyon and we will reply as soon as possible with all the details on the excursions.

Canyoning Canyoning Italy Canyoning Basilicata Canyoning Potenza Canyoning Terranova di Pollino

Price catalog from Pollino Adventure Canyoning

Useful information

14 years Advertised on Yumping
January 22th 2016 last update


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Pollino Adventure Snowshoeing

Via Castelfidardo 10\a 85030 Terranova di PollinoPotenza

Description of Pollino Adventure Snowshoeing

Snowshoes are ideal for those who want to move freely on the snow.

Pollino Adventure Snowshoes gives you the opportunity to visit the most beautiful snow-covered places in the Pollino Park.

You can choose whether to try your hand at trips lasting a few hours or high-altitude excursions to discover the ice "caverns" on the "Loricati pines"!

Safety and fun are assured in the company of the expert guides of Pollino Adventure Ciaspole!

For further information, contact us by filling out the form.

We will reply as soon as possible providing you with all the information you are interested in regarding costs and itineraries!

Snowshoeing Snowshoeing Italy Snowshoeing Basilicata Snowshoeing Potenza

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14 years Advertised on Yumping
January 22th 2016 last update


Pollino Adventure Cross-Country Skiing

Via Castelfidardo 10\a 85030 Terranova di PollinoPotenza

Description of Pollino Adventure Cross-Country Skiing

Pasquale Larocca is the founder of Pollino Adventure Ski Cross-Country.

This splendid discipline has been his great passion since the age of 9, always giving him many emotions.

Now, as a ski instructor, his goal is to convey to children the desire for a sport in contact with nature, which allows them to move freely immersed in the breathtaking landscape of the Pollino Park.

Taking advantage of his great experience you will be able to participate in:

  • Single or group cross-country ski lessons
  • Off-piste excursions
  • Lessons to improve technique and face competitions
  • Training programs

To get in touch with Pollino Adventure Sci di Fondo, fill out the appropriate form and you will receive a response as soon as possible.

Cross-Country Skiing Cross-Country Skiing Italy

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Cross-Country Skiing

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14 years Advertised on Yumping
January 22th 2016 last update


Pollino Adventure Nordic Walking

Via Castelfidardo 10\a 85030 Terranova di PollinoPotenza
Lowest price
from 15€
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Description of Pollino Adventure Nordic Walking

Pollino Adventure Nordic Walking gives you the opportunity to get closer to this healthy sport that is accessible to everyone! It is a discipline that is enjoying great success, given the benefits it brings to body and mind.

To practice Nordic Walking, all you need is a pair of poles, sneakers and a great desire to move!

Our educational program offers:

  • Initial courses
  • Technical knowledge and improvement lessons
  • Excursions in the Pollino National Park
  • Training programs for toning and losing weight

At Pollino Adventure Nordic Walking you can rent the equipment you need to practice this discipline and take advantage of our great professionalism to quickly become familiar with the basic movements.

You can receive more information about this by filling out the form and we will reply as soon as possible.

Nordic Walking Nordic Walking Italy Nordic Walking Basilicata Nordic Walking Potenza Nordic Walking Terranova di Pollino

Price catalog from Pollino Adventure Nordic Walking


Nordic Walking weekend in Pollino Park

Nordic Walking weekend in Pollino Park


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Nordic Walking

Pollino Sci Nordic Walking

 Terranova di Pollino » Potenza

Useful information

14 years Advertised on Yumping
January 22th 2016 last update


Pollino Adventure Climbing

Via Castelfidardo 10\a 85030 Terranova di PollinoPotenza

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Description of Pollino Adventure Climbing

Pollino Adventure Climbing organizes summer courses dedicated to sport climbing.

Led by expert and competent instructors, you can try your hand at fun climbing tests, chosen specifically based on your basic abilities.

Both beginners and more experts will be able to take advantage of the professionalism of the Pollino Adventure Climbing instructors to experience fantastic adventures in one of the most beautiful nature reserves in Italy.

We are at your disposal to provide you with any further information of interest to you, do not hesitate to contact us!

Climbing Climbing Italy Climbing Basilicata Climbing Potenza

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Useful information

14 years Advertised on Yumping
January 22th 2016 last update


Pollino Adventure Mountain Biking

Via Castelfidardo 10\a 85030 Terranova di PollinoPotenza
Lowest price
from 20€
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Description of Pollino Adventure Mountain Biking

Pollino Adventure MTB offers you the opportunity to live splendid experiences such as pedaling a mountain bike for hours, days or weeks on the paths of the Pollino National Park, crossing meadows at 2000 m above sea level altitude, tackle extreme and breathtaking descents, or simply skirt a beech forest, stop to rest and admire the landscape or pick mushrooms.

Are you tired of the usual city with all that concrete and asphalt? Well, we can definitely solve this problem for you. Always in continuous contact with nature, our MTB rides will make you grow mentally and physically.

And then don't forget, sport is the basis of everything, as the Latin aphorism dictates "mens sana in corpere sano".

Contact us to organize the adventure of your choice:

  • Mountain bike rides
  • Single trek
  • Extreme Descents
  • Tour of one or more days

Pollino Adventure MTB also offers you the possibility of renting bikes directly on site.

By filling out the appropriate form you can request more detailed information. We are waiting for you!

Mountain Biking Mountain Biking Italy Mountain Biking Basilicata Mountain Biking Potenza Mountain Biking Terranova di Pollino

Price catalog from Pollino Adventure Mountain Biking


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Useful information

14 years Advertised on Yumping
January 22th 2016 last update
