Vivak’s Mountain and Canyon Guides is an active tourism company oriented, as its name indicates, mainly to mountain sports. Its facilities are located in the Barcelona town of La Pobla de Lillet, approximately 90 minutes by car from the city of Barcelona.
Some of the activities you can do with Vivak's are the following:
- Hiking: Guided hiking routes with the best mountain guides. The hiking routes are carried out through the Aragonese and Catalan Pyrenees area. There is also the possibility of trekking through places around the world (Patagonia, Azores, Morocco...).
- Snowshoes: Take guided routes through the snow. With snowshoes attached to your hiking boots you can walk on freshly fallen snow without problems. Enjoy the magic of the newly snowy landscapes.
- Canyoning: Walk through the canyon of a river carved into the rock on foot. Along the ravine you will have to face all kinds of obstacles and natural accidents such as pools, walls, siphons, stone slides, waterfalls...
- Climbing: Get started in the sport of climbing by taking courses with professional instructors who will teach you how to climb a natural wall.
- Vías Ferratas: this activity is very similar to climbing, and many use it as a first contact with climbing since it is much easier and requires less assistance.
All activities can be done for groups with different levels of physical fitness and previous experience.
All our reviews are verified. 100% of customers have enjoyed this activity
An incredible experience and totally recommended. Both Juan Carlos super attentive with the entire organization. And Borja has been a great guide, super attentive to us and being aware that it was our first time, he has been impressive. Inside the ravine we have had rappelling that we have also released. So totally recommended, we will definitely repeat!Review translated from Spanish
Company's response: Thank you very much for your opinion and we hope that you will be encouraged to continue canyoning or to discover any mountain activity that you fancy. Your motivation and sensations of enjoyment that you convey to us comforts us. See you soon. J. Charles
Vivak's Guías de Montaña y Barrancos
Carretera Castellar de N´Hug 3 B 1º 1ª La Pobla De Lillet
Barcelona (City) » Barcelona
Sant Fruitos De Bages » Barcelona
Canoves » Barcelona
Lavern » Barcelona
Canyoning is one of the most complete and exciting mountain activities that can be done. With Vivak's Mountain and Canyoning Guides you can descend canyons throughout Spain, especially in the areas of Aragon and Catalonia. The company is locatedin the Catalan town of La Pobla de Lillet, an hour and a half by car from the city of Barcelona.
For those who have never done it, canyoning consists of traveling on foot along a river bed, having to overcome obstacles along the way such as jumps into pools, rappelling descents, water slides, siphons...
With Vivak you can descend canyons of all levels, to ensure that the experience is always fun and relaxed, according to each person's physical level. Therefore, there are ravines of three levels:
- Level I: These ravines can be done by everyone with little difficulty. They are the most recommended for people who have never done this activity before and have doubts about the level of physical demand.
- Level II: These ravines are also for everyone, but they require a little more physical effort. In any case they are still accessible, and with the help of the monitors no one should have too much trouble navigating them.
- Level III: The canyons at this level are for people with good physical condition and who have some experience in the world of canyoning, since more advanced techniques are used.
Cantonigros » Barcelona
Berga » Barcelona
Sant Quinti De Mediona » Barcelona
Vallcebre » Barcelona
Vivak's Snowshoe Mountain and Canyon Guides offers the possibility of practicing an original and very healthy sport. The company has its facilities in La Pobla de Lillet (province of Barcelona) about 130 kilometers north of Barcelona.
If you have never seen them, snowshoes are special platforms that attach to the boots themselves and allow the walker to walk through the snow without too much effort, thus being able to cover distances with much less fatigue. They are therefore ideal for hiking in the snow or mountaineering.
Vivak's offers guided routes through the Pyrenees for all levels, always in the company of professional and highly experienced guides:
-Level 1:these routes can last between half a day and a full day. Their accumulated slope does not reach 500 meters.
- Level 2: Within this level there are routes between 8 and 14 kilometers in length. The physical effort is already somewhat greater since the accumulated slope can reach 800 meters.
- Level 3: these routes are recommended for people in good physical condition. They are expeditions that take place over two or more days, spending the night in shelters or bivouacs.
Castellar Del Riu » Barcelona
Cantonigros » Barcelona
Barcelona (City) » Barcelona
Vivak's Mountain and Canyon Climbing Guides is a company specialized in the world of climbing in particular and mountain sports in general. It is located in the Barcelona town of La Pobla de Lillet, 135 kilometers north of the city of Barcelona.
You can take both courses and climbing expeditions. Within the expeditions you can do different modalities:
- Sports climbing: This modality is the one normally chosen by beginners. It is based on making the tracks by hooking them to anchors already fixed on the wall. This makes climbing much easier so climbers can focus on improving and perfecting their technique.
- Classic climbing: This type of climbing consists of climbing natural walls along routes that may already be equipped, semi-equipped or completely unequipped.
- Climbing on ridges: This is the name for climbing walls that are at high altitudes, that is, on the tops of mountains.
Likewise, you can also take different courses: initiation to climbing, sport climbing and natural climbing (in order of difficulty, from least to most difficult).
Barcelona (City) » Barcelona
Sabadell » Barcelona
Barcelona (City) » Barcelona
Via ferrata is an activity consisting of ascending the wall of a mountain using holds, rungs and steps that have been previously installed to facilitate the climbers' progression. Vivak's Vía Ferrata Mountain and Canyon Guides offers you the opportunity to try this activity in the areas of the Pyrenees in Aragon and Catalonia.
Via ferrata is an activity that is normally done by many people who want to try climbing but do not dare yet and prefer to try this intermediate step first. However, there are low difficulty routes, but also medium-high difficulty routes that really involve a high level of physical demand.
With Vivak's you can first take a via ferrata progression course where you can learn all the necessary techniques to progress without problems. Once you have mastered the techniques, you can do any of the routes proposed by the company. The low difficulty routes run through Vallcebre, Centelles, Musara... The medium-high difficulty routes run, for their part, through the areas of Montserrat, Teresina, Alt Urgell...
Via Ferrata
Cantonigros » Barcelona
Via Ferrata
Berga » Barcelona
Via Ferrata
Sant Quinti De Mediona » Barcelona
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