Water Mate School proposes that you spend this summer in a very active and fun way getting to know the new fashionable sport that is sweeping all the beaches in the world. Paddle surfing continues to conquer more and more people due to the simplicity of its practice and the excitement it provides.
Emerging in ancient Polynesia, it consists of riding a board (a little larger than a surfboard) and propelling it with an oar to be able to advance through the sea making the best crossings. This sport also allows us to catch the waves in a new way of surfing, novel and full of action.
So that everyone knows this sport and learns to practice it, we have launched two courses after which you will be true experts in paddle surf.
The initiation course will help you learn about the material and the weather characteristics most suitable for its implementation. We will learn the positions to maintain on the board, to maintain balance and get on and off it. We will also learn to know the sea taking into account the currents, the type of bottom that is under our feet and everything necessary for safe practice. The next thing will be to jump into the water to start making the best journeys.
In the improvement course we will learn to select the best waves to surf and we will start to catch them. We will, little by little, improve our position on the wave, we will learn to make turns, to accelerate and brake to help ourselves with the paddle...
But if you already know how to do this sport and what you want is to rent the material to be able to go out and practice it on your own, at Water Mate School we will provide you with all the necessary equipment.
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