If you are a group of friends who like sports and are looking for something different, we want to propose the best plan for you. We invite you to try our paintball court where we will play in two modalities:
Daytime paintball: from sunrise to sunset, you can shoot and play accompanied by whoever you want. The number of balls you will receive will depend on your preferences and the length of time you want to play. However, if you run out of ammo and are about to defeat the opposing team, you can reload the balls and shoot them again.
Night paintball: the first pass is at eight in the afternoon and you will enjoy shooting until one in the morninga. This modality will make you sharpen your senses because you won't be able to rely on your eyesight alone.
We will leave you a jumpsuit, protectors, gloves and even a cap to distinguish the two teams. We will try to make you feel like a paintball professional so that this experience is very special and you want to repeat it again.