Try our most innovative way of playing gotcha, we who are in Tecozautla have developed different game modes to make the combat unique.< /p>
Gotcha Paint Battle more than a game it is a religion, for us we want to be the most original in this matter, we have implemented a lot of decoration on the battlefields and at the same time we have a surprise for you. strong>
Surprise is about using vehicles in combat, the best way to raise the level of this skill.
The vehicles we usually provide are karts or ATVs to make this much more entertaining.
It is important that you make your reservation at most one day in advance, we are open every day of the year and at the same time we organize tournaments on Saturday and Sunday.
We give you all the materials, the mask with maximum protection especially on the sides and the vests with double cushions to avoid injuries.
Most of our courses have tires for you to cover, holes, potholes and the best obstacles for you to take advantage of or play against you.
Come play in a different way!
Pachuca » Hidalgo
Mineral Del Chico » Hidalgo
Santiago de Anaya » Hidalgo
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