Paintball Aprilia is located in the locality of the same name in the province of Latina and is the field of 1000 square meters managed by the amateur sports association Paintballaprilia Black Hawks for its members .
On the pitch you will always find assisting instructors who will be able to follow you during all stages of training, giving you advice on the correct use of the marker and on match tactics.
At Paintball Aprilia we provide all the regulatory equipment necessary for the game of paintball, always at attractive prices, with which you can spend fun days in the company of your friends and at an always incredible price. P >
One hour of all-inclusive gameplay for the funniest battle simulation you can imagine!
Join and come to Paintball Aprilia to experience a birthday, an event or any occasion you can think of: any excuse is good to have fun in our field! For special events we have catering services available on request, or lunches, snacks and refreshments organized by the camp or by you in the structure. You will choose the game mode you prefer to fully experience this great emotion: and s and your birthday reaches at least 10 players, the birthday boy does not pay !
Seize the opportunity: come and play in the province of Latina!
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Latina (City) » Latina
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