Paintball Association Vpb has been welcoming you since 2006 so that you can enjoy the activities it offers. Its center is located in the town of Bourghelles right next to the Belgian border, 20 minutes from Lille and 1 hour 20 minutes from strong>Brussels.
This association is delighted to contribute to the dissemination of outdoor thrill sports. It aims to be friendly to share its activities with you in a jovial atmosphere and without stress. The good humorand the kindness of the team are the strength of Paintball Association Vpb.
Paintball Association Vpb offers you two sporting activities:
Paintball Association Vpb, it’s up to you!
All our reviews are verified. 100% of customers have enjoyed this activity
Seclin » Nord
Saint Georges sur l'Aa » Nord
Hazebrouck » Nord
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