A precious treasure has arrived in Barcelona from the Republic of Thaqar in recent days, it is "The Flower of Thaqar", a majestic diamond that makes up the greatest heritage of this country in terms of value and beauty is concerned. To safeguard its security, it is deposited in a bank branch with extreme controls.
You will have to go inside the bank and develop a strategy to steal said jewel in the shortest time possible and without being caught. To achieve this, you must gather a group of astute adventurers who show off their skills and ingenuity to overcome the established challenge. You will have to raid the branch, get the loot and not raise any suspicion.
It is in your hands to celebrate the infinite wealth in The Bahamas or spend the rest of your life in a maximum security prison. The sun or the bars are your most immediate destiny and only your cunning will decide the final balance. You will have 60 minutes from the moment you enter the room, it is an ideal activity to enjoy with family and friends, as well as with co-workers. The only requirement is to form a group of 2 to 6 people.
If you are a true adventurer, enter theMission Leakescape game!
Real-life Games
Real-life Games Spain
Real-life Games Cataluña
Real-life Games Barcelona