Bateau Ecole du Mont Blanc

Le petit port 74940 Annecy le VieuxHaute-Savoie

Description of Bateau Ecole du Mont Blanc

Le Bateau Ecole du Mont Blanc offers you three boat licenses:

-The Coastal License ("Coastal" 6M option) authorizes maritime navigation limited to 11 km from a shelter and also on lakes without power limit.

-The Offshore License ("High Seas" option) authorizes navigation beyond. Loss of view of the coast occurs about ten km away on a clear day.

-The River License ("Inland Waters" option) authorizes navigation on lakes, rivers and rivers, with the length of the boat limited to 20 meters. On these navigation routes the markings are reversed in order to know where we are...fresh water/salt water.

Sailing Sailing France Sailing Rhone-Alpes

Useful information

13 years Advertised on Yumping
74004/08 Licence Number
