Centro Ibérico de Vela

Camino de la Herreria s/n 06740 Orellana La ViejaBadajoz

Offers of Sailing near Orellana La Vieja


Multi-adventure for schools in Badajoz 1 day

Multi-adventure for schools in Badajoz 1 day

Number of Activities
17€ 26% from

Description of Centro Ibérico de Vela

Located in Orellana La Vieja, the Iberian Sailing Center is a space created especially for Orellana sailors. Organize regattas following the guidelines of the International Racing Regulations (RIR) and sailing courses.

The sailing courses are developed following a diverse schedule of activities and different schedules so that you can choose the one that best suits you. Among the activities and courses the following stand out:

  • Nautical Baptism is the first contact between the student and the boat where the basic concepts are learned.
  • Initiation 1 where you learn the nomenclature, masts, directions and maneuvers.
  • Initiation 2 where you enter the world of individual boats and come into contact with the water, turning from upwind to upwind without losing windward.
  • Improvement where the knowledge and techniques learned are consolidated.

If you need more information, please contact us.

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