A.s.d. Scuba College is a non-profit Sports Association that deals with the scuba diving sector offering through the courses, the promotion of diving to preserve the marine environment. We have been operating for years in the Savona area where we have carried out various courses for adults, teens and children, to start them in this fabulous world that fascinates us so much with its underwater landscapes of unique beauty.
We offer courses ranging from beginner level up to instructor level , so that you can grow within the same school and have a relationship that goes beyond the student-school relationship to offer you a service closer to the customer. For us the sea is the source of life and must be protected and defended with the help of all divers, for this reason through our A.S.D. Scuba College wants to educate divers about behaviors to follow in the water and also organizes environmental education outings , seabed cleaning and marine biology internships .
Our center, and our Padi certified staff, will follow you throughout the course to provide you with the best tips and advice for diving in complete safety , which is the key point of every diver. We are waiting for you at our center to start this fantastic adventure that will give you unique emotions, you can request the information you need by contacting us through the appropriate field.
Scuba diving
Scuba diving Italy
Scuba diving Liguria
Scuba diving Savona