Buceo Costa Lugo

muelle de porcillan S/N Ribadeo Lugo 27700 Ribadeo (Casco Urbano)Lugo
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from 60€
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1 Buceo Costa Lugo has been booked 1 times through Yumping since joining in Marzo of 2024
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Description of Buceo Costa Lugo

Come try a stimulating diving experience very close to the Costa da Morte in Viveiro with Buceo Costa Lugo. The waters of the north of the Galician coast hide endless surprises in the form of fauna and flora, underwater rock structures and various ships sunken and rusted by the action of the waters.

We practice in the areas near Burela, Viveiro and Foz.

Diving baptisms are your starting point in these endeavors and we make it possible for you to start practicing it safely and little by little. They last 3 hours and can be done from the age of 15, alone, as a couple or in a group.

If you already have more experience in diving or want to go beyond the first contact, the PADI approved courses will give you the keys to continue learning the mysteries of diving. You can become an expert diver if you complete all the courses.

In our waters you can also take other more specific diving courses and complementary to the previous ones:

  • Underwater photography. Get the techniques to immortalize authentic underwater wonders.
  • Diving from boats. Take excursions to remote places and explore them later.
  • Diving with sharks. Swim among the most impressive animals on the seabed.
  • Wreck diving. Sneak among sunken ships and discover their ins and outs.
  • Deep diving. Go further than anyone else under the sea.
  • Nitrox enriched air. Learn to do dives with faster and more effective decompressions.

A whole range of diving activities with our instructors and the best conditions, always subject to the characteristics of the sea that is rough in these areas.

Scuba diving Scuba diving Spain Scuba diving Galicia Scuba diving Lugo Scuba diving Ribadeo (Casco Urbano)

Reviews of Buceo Costa Lugo

Very Good Based on 1 reviews
Very good

All our reviews are verified. 100% of customers have enjoyed this activity

Cristina 10 Very good
Activity performed on 24/07/14
about the activity of: Baptism of Diving from a Boat on the coast of Lugo

Review translated from Spanish

Very well I have been waiting for the very pleasant monitors and the phenomenal experience, wanting to continue experimenting with marine hobbies.
Review sent on 05/08/14

Company's response:

Thanks to you and to the next!

Review useful for 2 people Did you find this helpful? Yes

Price catalog from Buceo Costa Lugo


Baptism of Diving from a Boat on the coast of Lugo

Baptism of Diving from a Boat on the coast of Lugo

2 Bookings Verified
Latest booking 79 hours
5.00 (1 review)

Useful information

12 years Advertised on Yumping
August 16th 2017 last update
centro de actividades subacuaticas costalugo Company legal name
G27445402 Commercial register number

Awards in Yumping


Scuba diving

SILVER COMPANY Scuba diving Lugo 2019


Scuba diving

SILVER COMPANY Scuba diving Lugo 2016


Scuba diving

GOLD COMPANY Scuba diving Lugo 2014


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